" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
if version >= 600
setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-,!,#,$,%
set iskeyword=@,48-57,_,-,!,#,$,%
syn case ignore
" Progress Blocks of code and mismatched "end." errors.
syn match ProgressEndError "\<end\>"
syn region ProgressDoBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressDo start="\<do\>" matchgroup=ProgressDo end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
syn region ProgressForBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressFor start="\<for\>" matchgroup=ProgressFor end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
syn region ProgressRepeatBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressRepeat start="\<repeat\>" matchgroup=ProgressRepeat end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
syn region ProgressCaseBlock transparent matchgroup=ProgressCase start="\<case\>" matchgroup=ProgressCase end="\<end\scase\>" contains=ALLBUT,ProgressProcedure,ProgressFunction
" These are Progress reserved words,
" and they could go in ProgressReserved,
" but I found it more helpful to highlight them in a different color.
syn keyword ProgressConditional if else then when otherwise
syn keyword ProgressFor each where
" Make those TODO and debugging notes stand out!
syn keyword ProgressTodo contained TODO BUG FIX
syn keyword ProgressDebug contained DEBUG
syn keyword ProgressDebug debugger
syn keyword ProgressFunction procedure function
syn keyword ProgressReserved accum[ulate] active-window add alias all alter ambig[uous] analyz[e] and any apply as asc[ending] assign at attr[-space]
syn keyword ProgressReserved authorization auto-ret[urn] avail[able] back[ground] before-h[ide] begins bell between blank break btos by call can-do can-find
syn keyword ProgressReserved center[ed] check chr clear clipboard col colon color col[umn] column-lab[el] col[umns] compiler connected control count-of
syn keyword ProgressReserved cpstream create ctos current current-changed current-lang[uage] current-window current_date curs[or] database dataservers
syn keyword ProgressReserved disp[lay] distinct dos down drop editing enable encode entry error-stat[us] escape etime except exclusive
syn keyword ProgressReserved exclusive[-lock] exclusive-web-us[er] exists export false fetch field field[s] file-info[rmation] fill find find-case-sensitive
syn keyword ProgressReserved find-global find-next-occurrence find-prev-occurrence find-select find-wrap-around first first-of focus font form form[at]
syn keyword ProgressReserved from from-c[hars] from-p[ixels] gateway[s] get-byte get-codepage[s] get-coll[ations] get-key-val[ue] getbyte global go-on
syn keyword ProgressReserved go-pend[ing] grant graphic-e[dge] group having header help hide import in index indicator input input-o[utput] insert
syn keyword ProgressReserved into is is-attr[-space] join kblabel key-code key-func[tion] key-label keycode keyfunc[tion] keylabel keys keyword label
syn keyword ProgressReserved last last-even[t] last-key last-of lastkey ldbname leave library like line-count[er] listi[ng] locked lookup machine-class
syn keyword ProgressReserved map member message message-lines mouse mpe new next next-prompt no no-attr[-space] no-error no-f[ill] no-help no-hide no-label[s]
syn keyword ProgressReserved no-lock no-map no-mes[sage] no-pause no-prefe[tch] no-undo no-val[idate] no-wait not null num-ali[ases] num-dbs num-entries
syn keyword ProgressReserved of off old on open opsys option or os-append os-command os-copy os-create-dir os-delete os-dir os-drive[s] os-error os-rename
syn keyword ProgressReserved preproc[ess] privileges proc-ha[ndle] proc-st[atus] process program-name Progress prompt prompt[-for] promsgs propath provers[ion]
syn keyword ProgressReserved put put-byte put-key-val[ue] putbyte query query-tuning quit r-index rcode-informatio[n] readkey recid record-len[gth] rect[angle]
syn keyword ProgressReserved release reposition retain retry return return-val[ue] revert revoke run save schema screen screen-io screen-lines
syn keyword ProgressReserved scroll sdbname search seek select self session set setuser[id] share[-lock] shared show-stat[s] skip some space status stream
syn keyword ProgressReserved stream-io string-xref system-dialog table term term[inal] text text-cursor text-seg[-growth] this-procedure time title
syn keyword ProgressReserved to today top-only trans trans[action] trigger triggers trim true underl[ine] undo unform[atted] union unique unix up update
syn keyword ProgressReserved use-index use-revvideo use-underline user user[id] using v6frame value values view view-as vms wait-for web-con[text]
syn keyword ProgressReserved window window-maxim[ized] window-minim[ized] window-normal with work-tab[le] workfile write xcode xref yes _cbit
syn keyword ProgressReserved _control _list _memory _msg _pcontrol _serial[-num] _trace
" Strings. Handles embedded quotes.
" Note that, for some reason, Progress doesn't use the backslash, "\"
" as the escape character; it uses tilde, "~".
syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+"+ end=+"+ skip=+\~"+
syn region ProgressString matchgroup=ProgressQuote start=+'+ end=+'+ skip=+\~'+
syn match ProgressIdentifier "\<[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\>()"
" syn match ProgressDelimiter "()"
" syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[][]"
" If you prefer you can highlight the range
"syn match ProgressMatrixDelimiter "[\d\+\.\.\d\+]"
syn match ProgressNumber "\<\d\+\(u\=l\=\|lu\|f\)\>"
syn match ProgressByte "\$[0-9a-fA-F]\+"
" If you don't like tabs:
"syn match ProgressShowTab "\t"
"syn match ProgressShowTabc "\t"
syn region ProgressComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ProgressComment,ProgressTodo,ProgressDebug
syn keyword ProgressOperator current-result-row current-row-modified current-value cursor-char cursor-line cursor-offset data-entry-retur[n] data-t[ype] date date-f[ormat] day db-references
syn keyword ProgressOperator dcolor dde-error dde-i[d] dde-item dde-name dde-topic debu[g] dec[imal] default-b[utton] default-extensio[n] defer-lob-fetch defined delete-char delete-current-row
syn keyword ProgressOperator delete-line delete-selected-row delete-selected-rows deselect-focused-row deselect-rows deselect-selected-row d[esign-mode] dialog-box dialog-help dir disabled display-message
syn keyword ProgressOperator fore[ground] form-input forward[s] frame-spa[cing] frame-x frame-y frequency from-cur[rent] full-height full-height-char[s] full-height-pixe[ls] full-pathn[ame]
syn keyword ProgressOperator full-width full-width[-chars] full-width-pixel[s] ge get get-blue[-value] g[et-char-property] get-double get-dynamic get-file get-float get-green[-value]
syn keyword ProgressOperator label-font label-pfc[olor] labels language[s] large large-to-small last-child last-tab-i[tem] last-proce[dure] lc le leading left left-align[ed] left-trim length
syn keyword ProgressOperator line list-events list-items list-query-attrs list-set-attrs list-widgets load l[oad-control] load-icon load-image load-image-down load-image-insensitive load-image-up
syn keyword ProgressOperator stored-proc[edure] string sub-ave[rage] sub-count sub-max[imum] sub-me[nu] sub-menu-help sub-min[imum] sub-total subscribe subst[itute] substr[ing] subtype sum super suppress-warning[s]
syn keyword ProgressOperator system-alert-box[es] system-help tab-position tabbable target target-procedure temp-dir[ectory] temp-table terminate text-selected three-d through thru tic-marks time-source title-bgc[olor]
syn keyword ProgressOperator title-dc[olor] title-fgc[olor] title-fo[nt] to-rowid toggle-box tool-bar top topic total trailing trunc[ate] type unbuff[ered] unique-id unload unsubscribe upper use use-dic[t-exps]